zaterdag 26 februari 2011

Live performance Soprano

A really great live performance from Soprano and band. My French isn't good enough to understand his words, but I'm definitely feeling it.

maandag 21 februari 2011

Car Freestyle

Its been a long time I've been blown away from a freestyle. Especially when I'm not at the spot. Enjoy Machine Gun Kelly and Youngblood flamez spitting in their car.

vrijdag 4 februari 2011

Domestic Transformer

Gary Chan a man who lived in Hong Kong in the same small apartment for over thirty years, transformed his tiny living space into an apartment with 24 different configurations. From a movie room, bedroom to a fully-equipped kitchen. Watch Gary easily configure his living space.

donderdag 3 februari 2011


In the Toys R Us NY I thought this was a big Transformer:

 But in China's Shenyang  there is a bigger one: